My apologies for taking so long to update you all on how the garden is doing. Sadly, the butternut trees have not made it through the hot summer. I will try again with more next year.
Let me tell you what we do have growing, though:
Sunflowers, heirloom tomatoes, peppers, bush beans, carrots, corn, thyme, cabbage, peas, lettuce, raddishes (just harvested), cucumbers, and sunchokes. Oh yeah, we also have a few weeds (some are actually edible).
Today was the first harvest of the community garden. Three plastic grocery bags of radishes and half of one of peas went to the food bank.
One thing we are in need of is either tomato cages or stakes. The tomatoes are growing very well, and soon will need some support. If anyone has any extra sticks (about 2 1/2 feet long) laying around, that will do wonderfully.
Also, if someone would like to trim the paths between garden beds, it would really be appreciated. If you would like to volunteer to do a little weeding, just let me know. =)
Below are some pictures of how the garden is doing so far.